New Zealand

The sunset was spectacular, with kite surfers silhouetted against it.

This was late February – a Saturday evening and we were enjoying the last of the summer . A group of all ages clambered onboard the Wahine Moe at 6.30p.m. heading  off for a fun filled sunset cruise  around the Raglan harbor.

 Once a briefing had been given the bar was opened and the fish and chips in newspaper were handed out (Yes. Just like the old days.) These are ordered before you get on the boat and were nibbled on , as the beauties of the top part of the harbor  appeared. Narrow little inlets making the imagination take over as to where they led to. No time explore this time but maybe another. Amazing rock formations which have been shaped by the battering of the sea over many years.

The skipper, who was born and raised in Raglan talked about families who had lived there, or were still living there, happenings which had occurred  and what may happen in the future.

If you have a spare Saturday or Sunday over the summer I would definitely recommend this trip. Fun. Beautiful.